Utvorda Coastal Fortress
©Stephen MacDonell

Utvorda Coastal Fortress

Utvorda Kystfort i.e. coastal fortress was considered strategically important during  World War 2 as the main fortress of the German forces on the Namdalen coast. There were approx. 1000-1200 workers, prisoners of war, soldiers and officers at Utvorda during the war.

“Festung Utvorda» had 10 large cannons, tanks, grenade launchers, machine guns, flame throwers, floodlights and a radar. Horizontal mining passages and tunnels were used as storage for ammunition and there was a network of trenches in the mountains at Utvorda.

Walking trail:

In the summer you can make your own way to and around the coastal fortress. There are nature paths to the fortress. From Lauvsnes in Flatanger drive Rv766 18 km to the junction at Tøttdal. Turn left and drive 25 km towards utvorda. By the pavilion in the harbour area there is a map. The path starts here. If you come by boat, you can og ashore from the floating dock by the coastal fort.

Dowload description of the walk here: Utvorda Coastal Fortress


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